Setting out on an adventure – The Outdoor Women

Setting out on an adventure doesn’t have to involve tents and camping in the wilderness. There are plenty of ways to make your way...

Weekend Trip: Women In The Woods at Great Camp Sagamore – The Outdoor Women

Canoe and hike in the perfect Adirondack autumn. Meet others who accept nature as their path to revitalization and renewal. Spend time with other...

Wildland Ethics – Leave What You Find – The Outdoor Women

Allow others a sense of discovery by leaving rocks, plants, archaeological artifacts and other objects of interest as you find them. Minimize site alterations....

Wildland Ethics – Plan Ahead and Prepare – The Outdoor Women

Carefully designing your trip to match your expectations and outdoor skill level is the first step in being prepared . Make inquiries with local...

Wildland Ethics – Properly Dispose of What You Can’t Pack Out – The Outdoor Women

As visitors to the backcountry, we create certain types of waste which usually cannot be packed out. These include human waste and waste water...

Avoid Places Where Impact is Just Beginning – The Outdoor Women

Most campsites can recover completely from a limited amount of use. However, a threshold is eventually reached where the ability of vegetation to regenerate...

Concentrate Impacts in High-Use Areas – The Outdoor Women

Concentrating use in popular or high-use areas is a simple and effective method to reduce the impact of a backcountry visit. Main travel corridors...

How To Prepare for Your Camping Trip – The Outdoor Women

Camping is a great way to unwind from a crazy work schedule and spend time out in nature. However, camping can be a miserable...

How to Survive a Camping Trip in 2015 – The Outdoor Women

In today’s digitally-minded, technologically advanced world, the irresistible need to get out of the home, office or city is something we can all attest...

Leave natural and cultural artifacts – The Outdoor Women

Leave natural and cultural artifacts. Natural objects of beauty or interest, such as antlers or mineral crystals, should be left alone for others to...