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Here are a few ideas, some tips and several suggestions.
How about planning an adventure for
the next year. Adventures are fullfilling,
challenging, stimulating and make you feel
you are alive. It is wonderful to step
outside of your “comfort zone” and expand
your view of the world. The adventure does
not necessarily need to be extraordinary
nor does it need to be as intense as the
TV show “Survival.” Adventures can easily
happen on a daily basis or perhaps just
once a year. The best part is that they
provide a chance to grow, a place to learn
and most of all you can have a great and
fun experience.
Daily Adventures:
Drive to work by a different route
Call someone you have not talked to in 1 year
Introduce yourself to a stranger
Take a bubble bath in the middle of the day
Weekly Adventures:
Go to a foreign movie
Eat at a restaurant you are not familiar
Cook an ethnic meal
Go away for the day by yourself
Big and Perhaps Once a Year or Lifetime Adventures:
*Sea Kayaking in the Pacific Northwest
*Walking Tour of Scotland
*Ice Climbing Women’s Trips
*Women’s Surf Camp
*Montana Cowgirl Adventure
Your next year could be “juicy” and filled with fun.
Plan an adventure today!
Suzanne Berg
“Life is Juicy”
Life coach/ LCSW psychotherapist
Please Visit my website and sign up for
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