This trail climbs the ridge behind the Petersburg airport to the Ravens Roost Cabin and offers outstanding views of Petersburg, Frederick Sound, and the mainland. The area is also popular for telemark and cross-country skiing in winter.Length (one way): 4 miles
Rating: More Difficult
USGS Map: Petersburg D-3
Access: The trail begins near the water tower on the south side of the airport. Walk or drive Haugen Drive or Sandy Beach Road to the turnoff between the airport and Tent City. Watch for trail signs that lead uphill toward the water tower. You can also reach the Raven Trail by hiking or skiing 4.9 miles up the Twin Ridge Ski Trail from the Twin Creek Road. (See Twin Ridge Ski Trail listing.)
Description: Only parts of the Raven Trail are boardwalk; other segments are often very muddy and slippery. Rubber boots are recommended. The route is marked with blue diamond trail markers. The trail begins as boardwalk through a muskeg, but soon moves into timber. It continues through muskeg and timber to an overlook about 1 mile from the trailhead. A short spur trail leads to an open muskeg and views of Frederick Sound and the mainland. From the overlook, the trail climbs steadily through mature spruce and hemlock forest for about 2 miles, then moves into subalpine muskeg and meadows. The trail ends at the Ravens Roost Recreation Cabin.
Attractions: The trail offers spectacular views of both the Wrangell Narrows and the mainland. This is also one of the few winter use trails on the Petersburg Ranger District because of its access to telemark and cross-country skiing runs. The open muskegs around the cabin provide excellent skiing, especially for the beginner, from November to April. Many people enjoy flying to the cabin in a helicopter and skiing down. Contact the Petersburg Ranger District for Ravens Roost Cabin information and cabin permit applications.
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