Volunteers with the Jefferson County Displayers Chapter are organizing the 6th annual Women in the Outdoors event to be held Saturday, May 8, 2004 at the Watertown Conservation Club in Watertown, WI. Course offerings include: Canoeing, Archery, Fly fishing & Fly-tying, Navigational Scavenger Hunt, ATV, Shooting 101, Outdoor Cooking, Hunting Calls, Camping 101, Natural Material Wreath Making, Golf, Sporting Clays & Trapshooting, Tree Stands & Ground Blinds, Handgun & Rifle, and Plant ID & Photography.
The combination of sponsorship support and local chapter effort will make it possible for Women in the Outdoors to provide these educational programs at a very low cost to participants. We are seeking assistance from businesses and interested individuals to help meet our financial obligations either in the form of monies for underwriting merchandise, services (i.e. instructors) or goods (i.e. bottled beverages, outdoor gear, snacks, bug spray, supplies for course offerings, health promotion literature, etc).
Help us teach and encourage women to have fun and success in the outdoors. Any help you are able to offer will be greatly appreciated!
The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is a non-profit, nation-wide, grassroots, volunteer organization dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and to the preservation of the hunting tradition. The NWTF has experienced much success towards meeting their objectives and is now endeavoring to include an exciting and ambitious program focused on women.
The mission of the NWTF’s Women in the Outdoors program is to provide outdoor learning opportunities for women 14 and over that are hands-on and exciting. The NWTF’s goal is to teach the importance of responsible wildlife management, increase participation in outdoor activities, and help preserve the hunting tradition. We plan to accomplish these goals by introducing more women to outdoor activities, training women as outdoor educators, and by providing a network for men and women with similar outdoor interests.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jen King, Donation Chairperson
1210 Windwood Lane
Watertown, WI 53094
Dedicated to providing interactive educational opportunities for women, the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of the hunting tradition.
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